Sunday, March 3, 2013

Z Motor Exchange - Day 3

Sears Pointless is three weeks away. Unfortunately at this time, both cars are in such a state that they cannot be run. The D has some suspension issues with parts on the way. The Z is much more problematic, no motor. So, in a rare consecutive weekend, we assembled and continued the engine exchange work. Today Lugnut, Sparky, Torch, Tow and myself labored to get the Z running. Thank you all for help.

To start the day, Sparky came early and worked on the last few wiring issues. By the time he completed that work the rest of the group arrived. With such a big group, the final prep work was completed quickly, and we got into the engine lift. The engine did take some time but went in smoothly. We then secured the motor, connected the wires, added oil, connected the fuel lines, and jury-rigged air flow sensor. Once all that was completed, we attempted to start the motor. On the first attempt, the engine started, but quickly died. On the second attempt, the motor fired to life and stayed going until we killed it. 

It was then lunch time.  Cindy gave us a great spread for lunch, and it was hard to get going with such a nice afternoon.  However, the Pointless race calls and so back to work.  We spent the rest of the afternoon assembling the Z.  By the end of the day we had the Z together enough run the engine to temperature and do a compression test.  The result of the compression test was promising.  Here are the results:

Cylinder  #
PSi Reading

Not bad, so we now have a running motor in the Z. We still have more work to do, so next weekend we will be at it again to see if the cars can be track ready.

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