Tuesday, July 21, 2015

LeMons: YOU'RE IN! Vodden the Hell Are We Doing?

We have both cars in the upcoming Thunderhill Race.  Here is the note from Nick:

Hi, Muddy: 

Half-Life Racing (Seize-Z-um) and (Ra-D-um) has been officially ACCEPTED for Vodden the Hell Are We Doing? at Thunderhill Raceway Park, Willows CA on September 12 - September 13(Multiple entries? Log in to see what made it and what didn't.)
To participate, please read this email completely!
1) FINISH YOUR TEAM INFO: Your team's current status is Not Ready to Race. If you're not showing "ready to race," log on here and fix what's missing.
2) PRINT OUT THE LATEST SAFETY-INSPECTION CHECKLIST, then inspect each listed thing on your car. When everything's checked and correct, bring the signed, filled-out checklist to the track and present it at pre-race tech. (Remember, not every rule is reflected on the Checklist--you still need to study the full LeMons Rulebook.)
EVENT SCHEDULE, CAMPING, DIRECTIONS, ETC: Look for these on this race's Event Page--when we learn something new, we'll update it there.

DRIVER-SAFETY GEAR: Event-sponsor Pyrotect offers all the required driver-safety gear in one box at a big LeMons-only discount. These subsidized rates are only available at LeMons' online store.

RACE #s: If the number you want isn't available on your Team Home Page's pulldown menu, somebody else already has it. Pick another one.

RULESThe LeMons Rulebook has been updated! Read the complete Rulebook (http://www.24hoursoflemons.com/prices-rules) now and re-check it often, refreshing your browser each time. Remember, it's your job to know this stuff!
DROPOUTSWhen you enter a race, you're buying the right to compete--not a guarantee from us that you'll get your own act together. If you drop out, can't finish your car, blow up, go broke, catch swine flu, step on your own wiener, or otherwise fail to avail yourself of your grid spot, you forfeit your entry fees. That's why they're called "entry" fees, not "I got to drive the whole race" fees.

4) COUGH UP YOUR ENTRY FEE: Your entry fees are due now--all fees must be paid in full by 08/01/2015. Miss that deadline, and your spot may be given to a team on the waitlist. (Need to beg an extension? Please drop us an email before the due date.) To check your current balance or make an online payment, see your Team Home Page at https://registration.24hoursoflemons.com/members/races/registration/signup_id/12417.
TO PAY BY CREDIT CARD, just use the "Pay Now" button on your Team Home Page, at https://registration.24hoursoflemons.com/members/races/registration/signup_id/12417.
TO PAY BY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER, make payable to "24 Hours of LeMons" and mail to LeMons Dept. of Up-Coughing, 5675-C Horton St, Emeryville CA 94608.

Got questions? Hit www.24HoursofLeMons.com or:
Nick Pon, Associate Perpetrator
5675-C Horton Street, Emeryville CA 94608

This email was sent to dougvanlare@yahoo.com. If you are no longer interested you can unsubscribe instantly.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Application in for "Vodden The Hell Are We Doing" at Thunderhill

Our application for the September 12-13 "Vodden the Hell We Are Doing" at Thunderhill has been submitted. I have kept the Half-Life Racing theme with Seize-Z-um and Ra-D-um. Here is a copy of the theme concept: 

As veterans (or suckers) of numerous Lemons campaigns, we have seen a lot since our first viewing at the final Altamont race. To compete with the current level of depravity and/or raw genius (your choice) we searched high and low to find a better way around the track. We have done everything our feeble minds could think of so we enlisted the help of a scientist friend, Dr. Spanner from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to aid in our car upgrades. After reviewing the data from the 21 races the team has run, the doctor’s best scientific theory was to decrease the teams’ failures by increasing the half-life of the cars. 

This made no sense to me at first. However, after a “few” beers at the 1st Street Ale House, (which I highly recommend) my neural synapses were able to wrap around the Half-life theory, and it just possibly made sense. After some pleading (and some additional rounds) Dr. Spanner offered to take the cars in for some gamma-ray treatments, cheap (since this is a Lemons race after all). 

What is the worse thing that could happen? 

Well, we have them back a little unstable, smoky and glowing with the labels Seize-Z-um and Ra-D-um on them. Who am I to argue? The team would like to bring these unstable projects to the track to test our Half-life theory. 

For this race, we will have some changes in the driver lineup. Several regulars Queen, Torch, and Tow will be away and will miss this race, safe travels.  
From the old guard, Lugnut, Piccaso, Sparky, and myself will hit the track. We also have brought at least two new nuts to try their hands at Lemons. I am still working on nicknames, so I'll use first names for them, but feel free to weigh in on that.  
The first one, Don is a ringer from Tucson. I have raced with him in Karting, and seen him run his B210 at Sonoma. The second is Greg, who I also have raced in Karting and seen handle the traffic well. Now they get to try their hands and experience the Lemons. 

So, for now we wait.  Historically acceptance is announced on Tuesday following submission.