Sunday, March 26, 2017

Sears pointless day 2

We were short two drivers yesterday, so there wasn't a lot of time to blog. It was a strong day for both cars. We picked up 2 black flags, one on each car, but other than those two drive through penalties the cars were on track all day. 


Seize-Z-um ended up in 28th place and ran fast all day long. It picked up a wheel mark on the door somewhere along the line, but no real issues other than flat spotted tire. 

Ra-D-um ended up in 39th just a couple of laps behind.  There is an issue with third gear, but not much we can do there other than swap out the oil and hope for the best.  In the rain everyone had issues with too much oversteer, so we disconnected the rear sway bar and had a very nice handling car all day yesterday. 


It is overcast this morning but the forecast of an inch of rain today is now down to drizzle.  We are hoping it stays away but with the practice from Friday if it doesn't at least we all had a chance to find a rain line and we are as ready as we can be for the wet. Looking forward to a good day on the track whatever the weather. 

We chased the video issues down to having run out of minutes on the phone's data plan.  Trying to solve that for today.

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