Saturday, August 13, 2011

Guess the new ride

This just showed up in my inbox and Rod doesn't have everyone's email so I'm hoping this gets to the whole team. 

While Muddy is away, Rod deposited a new ride on his doorstep. Thing is, Muddy doesn't know what it is that he just bought.  Time to start guessing. I'll swing by on my way home Monday and see if I can add an equally mysterious photo to go with the text. 

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Thrown Rod 
Date: August 13, 2011 2:37:25 PM PDT
It is Done...

Ruby has a new friend.

For themes, I'm thinking Bizzaro Bee (homage to the Killer Bees MGB), "The Graduate" ala Dustin Hoffman, or if we are lazy, "Mini Ruby"


  1. Zchef and I are visiting Alaska and I guess I just bought a car. As for what kind I have no idea.... I think MGB or spyder is too obvious. So, what do I think I now own?

    How about a Morgan. I know a Morgan has never been run at Lemons for some clear reasons $$$$.

    Knowing Thrown Rod he likes Subru's so may be like the car we are talking about a Brat.

    Or I know Throw Rod is less afraid of american crap cars than I am, so maybe it is a AMC Spirit.

    Any other thoughts? Look forward to the pictures.

  2. mmm. i'm thinking the obvious choice is going to be the correct one here. mgb. and if that's the case ... i think we need another wiring harness. and an engine.
