Thursday, July 28, 2011

Penske Move Over, A Two Car Team???

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer. It looks like Lugnut is having fun rubbing shoulders with several amateur teams. Nice Work
As for our car it looks like Rubby got through Reno’s 24-hour race well. The car is in better shape than we first thought and really only needs minor work. This got me to think (always a bad thing). If we start now we have plenty of time to get a second car up and running. Move over Penske.
So, the question is what kind of car would you like us to run next to Rubby? Something that goes fast…. Something that would be in the running for the Index of Effluency…. Something you always wanted when you were 12...
Please post your thoughts and Let me know what you think.


  1. I am torn here. (Maybe that is why I am running this blog) A run at the Index would be fun. To that end I was able to find AMC Gremlin. Or even better a 60’s Studebaker. On another hand going fast is what most of the group likes. So, a race ready Corolla GTsr is at our reach. We are trying to schedule a visit to one this weekend. Or another Z would make the stable complete, but has proven hard to find recently.

  2. I like sticking with the Z car as we have gained a lot of knowledge there, but I know that you have been searching for a while with no luck.

    As much as I like Porsches (and I notice there is no Porsche logo on the page...) I think they make a horrible lemons car.

    I would love a go at the index of effluency and a Gremlin would be just the ticket. It is probably is worth only a couple races though which means it has to be low on the list.

    They say the best car project value (if you can use value in this context) is to pick up someone else's unfinished project. If you have a line on a race ready Corolla, that is probably the way to go.

  3. well ... those AMC Gremlins were used on race tracks as rescue vehicles and had push bumpers and a light bar with the jaws of life in the back.

    oh ... and they came with a variety of engines... so it could be done.

    but the real question is should it?

    TIL that AMC Gremlins had a (fire resistant) levi interior as an option! that is actually kinda cool.

  4. The Levi edition with the V8 is clearly the Gremlin to have. I had a Levi edition Peugeot 105 in Europe as a rental car, the interior was awesome.

  5. So Muddy, did you get another car this weekend?

  6. No new to us car yet. The Corolla GTsr has some nice parts, but is a little too much and almost all the safety equipment will not pass Tech inspection. The hunt continues. We are narrowing the look for 240sx and 300Zx as are first choice, but beggars will not be choosy.

