Monday, August 15, 2011

Here it is, the first picture

Without a doubt, the car is in Lemon's shape to start with.  I give Rod bonus points for finding a car that was in drivable shape and more important, I understand there are some spare parts that he dropped off in the garage that still need to be bolted on.  They say it is best to pick up someone else's incomplete project when starting one of your own, and whatever is in the spare parts box, this car hasn't seen any love in a while.  

To make this car feel right at home with Ruby, it is the right amount of faded red (no wax here, so the rattle can paint will stick well), and has a nice dent at the right front wheel.  

More later after Muddy gets home tomorrow.


  1. hmm. i have to take back that mgb guess and pick up a mgd instead. this looks like it's going to have us seeing red a lot.

  2. It's a mini Rubby....

    Well at least the previous owner did not push it to hard on these tires. The tires look halfway worn, but not heat stressed. May be a little camber issue, but nothing like melting the springs like it's bigger brother.

    I look forward in test driving the mystery machine with the top down. I will need it down, because I don't think I will fit with the top up. But then again, I'll find out when I get home tomorrow.

    (Note: If you still need help identifying the car, Sparky has left a clue on the previous blog page.


  3. Cool....

    I will take a test drive today and let you know. Post your guess...

