Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dismantling Goldie

The unsung hero for many of the races has been a second 300ZX in Muddy's backyard named Goldie.  It was purchased after we lost an engine in Ruby.  It was donated after the previous owner couldn't get it to run after a fire, and aside from being an automatic (and the fire of course) seemed like an ideal way to get our car running again.  Well the engine went into the car and the fire may not have been the only thing wrong as we didn't finish....

Even thought the engine was a bust, Goldie has provided a long stream of parts to the effort and has proved in the long run to be a valuable asset to the team.  That is the good news.  The bad news Goldie was parked in the backyard and certainly the source of many a "you might be..." style jokes.

So with the acquisition of another car for the backyard, it was time for Goldie to be sold for scrap metal.  The crew descended today with a sawzall and a host of additional weapons of vehicular mayhem and Goldie transformed into a pile of scrap metal.

Since this took all day, we unfortunately didn't get a chance to haul the parts away.  That will have to be another weekend, but we are closer to ending the "you might be a redneck if..." jokes.  Pretty sure we can't count the scrap metal towards our $500, so we'll just have to put it in the beer fund.

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