Friday, December 10, 2010

New rules, read them and weep

Since Carolina's deadline is tomorrow (and Houston's the week after that), we figured it was high time to show you the updated 2011 LeMons Rulebook.

Not much has changed; mostly, it's just clarifications of existing rules and policies. There are a few substantive differences, tho, probably these ones the biggest:

  • People's Curse voting gets re-thought again. It used to be too easy to get cursed; lately, it's been too hard. The 2011 system ought to fall right in between. 
  • Minimum helmet standards are going up--it'll be SA2005, rather than SA2000.
  • Seatbelt life gets extended--belts are now good for 5 years, not 4.
  • Shoulder harnesses can't be further apart at their mounting points than at their seat-entry points. (A minor, easy tweak that can give big gains in safety.)
  • Cars will need all of their doors, and OE hoods.
  • Shortened (aka "cut-down") cars will be exceedingly unlikely to pass tech.
  • Nomex socks become mandatory.
  • No more fuel rigs, dry brakes, fuel-transfer pumps, etc: For 2011, you can fuel from the track pumps or hand-held, 5-gallon-or-smaller jugs only.
That's the important stuff, but make sure to check out the full 2011 Rulebook here and the 2010-vs-2011 strikeout version here. These links are also up now on the regular LeMons Rules Page.

Best regards & see you at the track--JL

Claus had this to say...
It took us 2 years to figure out fast fueling is a good idea. It took more out of Doug's wallet that Ruby is worth to realize 30 sec refueling times. And one quick e mail from the chief perpetrator to dash it all to Hell.  Back to the drawing board...


  1. My helmet is a SA2000, guess it is time to go shopping.

  2. Sparky, I have a new 2005 Large Bell helmet that you should try as your Christmas gift. Also for the holiday's it looking like we all should put nomex socks on our list.

    As for the other rules there are a few that affect us.

    * No refueling fuel tank is a nasty one.
    * Roll Bar needs to be 2" clear all around of the drivers head. We will need to check this.
    * OE hood. We will needed to check to see if our removing the inner support is OE or not

  3. I'm all set on the Nomex socks.

    OE hood could be an issue, but we still have Goldie's if needed.

    The bigger problem is probably the 2" headroom above the driver. Guess we have a lot of roll-bar work to do there.
