Friday, December 28, 2018

Sparky Work for No Bones About It!

This Wednesday we had a Sparky visit to address the kill switch trouble and work on a new Telemetry system.

The tracking down the kill switch required some rummaging around where the dash was.  My favor quote that came bellowing out of the car was "even in a stripped out car I lose things in the dash"  that followed by an Oh!  I'll let you choose which part of that I liked.  What did result from that Sparky tirade was a fixed kill switch.

The second task for sparky was the working on the new Telemetry system.  We have been having trouble with this for some time.  We that we had some options with the Racerconnect.  That Company has failed leaving us with few options for a live feed.  We also were using the GPS acquisition system by Traqmate.  That company has stopped making equipment, and I can't remember the last software upgrade pushed out.  On top of that the Z's electrical problem extended into the Traqmate with the system cutting out routinely while driving resulted in us abandoning it's use during the race.

For the fix we are going with a change, so the Traqmate was removed and this new Telemetry system Race Capture by Autosport is being developed and should be installed in time for No Bones It!  This system has the added benefit of collecting car inputs information as well.  At this point, it sounds like Sparky can Identify Tach, Water temp, and Throttle position through the CAN bus and it shows up on the Raspberry tablet in the car.

We are also adding in a Cell Phone, so this information can be pushed to a server during a race.  This then can be accessed by the pit or more importantly, you wherever you are with Internet access.  We (mostly Sparky) are still working out the final layout of this, and we will give an update on what and where you can view this.

So, with that it, was a great Wednesday, and we can start to move to the punchlist to get us ready for Laguna.

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