Sunday, January 13, 2019

Race over

And we didn’t make the checkered flag.

Our fuel problems were not solved with the new fuel pump, although we did run a number of stints all afternoon. Unfortunately, we think we ran Lean and are now having more motor problems.  Conditions deteriorated, to a point that we parked it at 4:30 and started packing up.

Always a bummer when we don’t take a checker.  Great to try a new track and a new series.

We found the problem....

The fuel pump is blown and we are now looking for replacement.  Let the web searching begin.

That’s not good

We are in the pits fixing a fueling issue. We came in just as the track stopped under a red flag and had to sit and watch the car for 30 min before we could push it to the paddock and start working on it.

Deep into the fuel tank now. 

And we have a race

Day 2 has officially begun and the green flag is out. Muddy is on track and we are hoping for longer stints on the gas tank.  Zoom zoom

Day 2

Looking like the rain will stay away till 6:00 now. Fingers crossed.  The video is working better than I thought. You can find it here.  Half-life racing live stream

Muddy and I are at the track setting up. Nice sunrise this morning. 

Saturday, January 12, 2019

And here comes the rain

It has threatened rain all day, and at 4:00 here it comes. So far everyone is behaving. 

Mid day update

Things have been pretty hectic all day while we sort out Laguna Seca and running in a different series with different rules.  To added to those troubles, we are having difficulty with the fuel pickups.  So we are getting about 40 min or 12-15 laps per tank of gas. We are just swapping drivers with each stop so our early plan is out the window when it comes to our schedule.

The video Is working if we start the car in the right sequence, so that is good. In fact it is working much better than I expected as I bough most of the parts on the way to Muddy’s house and built the camera and network while in the passenger seat on the way to the track. 

The dashboard is nice when it works, but we keep losing the USB connection for some reason so I’ll be working on that while Muddy and Lugnut are deep into the gas tank trying to fix our fueling issues. 

This is a much faster group of racers, but we are still putting in very nice laptimes. Too many pit stops though, so we won’t place well. 

Having a ton of fun. The rain has threatened many times but so far stayed away.

Race start

The track is super slick so care will be needed this morning. But the forecast is for a clear day all day and rain starting up tomorrow afternoon.

Practice session is over, Lugnut is in the drivers seat for the rolling start.

Telemetry should be working and at least for now so is the video. 

Friday, January 11, 2019

No Bone About It Driver Schedule

Here is the proposed Driver Schedule for Saturday:

StartFinishPilot Notes
10:00 AM10:57 PMDriver1 
11:02 AM11:59 PMDriver2
12:04 PM1:00 AMDriver3 
1:30 AM2:27 PMDriver4
2:32 AM3:44 AMDriver5 
3:49 PM5:00 PMDriver6


I think I will have video for the race...   I have the computer working now, but need to get it installed in the car.  If all goes well, this youtube live stream will stream whenever the car is on.

Half-life racing live stream

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Follow along during race weekend

Inside both cars, we have been using a system to log all of the cars performance data (GPS, speed, g-forces, etc) and have also make a couple attempts to stream video from the cars.  The manufactures of the last two systems we have used have folded shop, (there is probably the reason they were the cheapest in the market), and consequently we have lost the ability to get both video and laptimes from the car.

At the last race, we were pitted with the Thomas the Tank Engine Jetta and one of their drivers had built a system on his own using off the shelf parts that worked pretty well.  Needless to say, the rest of our team pointed out my deficiencies in the engineering department.  Something needed to be done.

Using many of the same parts, but using some different software, we are trying out a new system this race.  We set the bar at getting analytic data and laptimes on this first race, and if the system works well, expanding it in future races.

One of the features of the software I'm using means that all of the data we collect in the car is streamed live to a website and it will show all of the data in real time along with everyone else's data that is in the same race.

The full race will be streamed to this site:

And just our car will be here

Having things like water temp and RPM visible in the pits will give Muddy more to stress about, but it will be nice to just look up and see that everything is working well.

A couple of features are not there yet, so I've still got plenty of deficiencies apparently.  The one that I'm still hoping for is getting video to work.  I've currently succeeded in live streaming here at the kitchen table, but with 24 hours left before packing up I'm pretty sure I won't make it to landing it in the car, but if I can, I'll add a link for that as well.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

No Bones Last Weekend to Prep Status

Today it was an all hands on deck workday.  We had Lugnut, Torch, Sparky, and I working to get the Z ready for next weekend.  The punch list were nearly cleaned out and we only have the following items needed to be ready:

Electrical Systems



Cooling fan

Z- Check at 190°F+ to come on




Front skirt

 Fit right gap in new skirt

Pit and Logistics Systems





Pack for the track

 Set aside the need totes




Car number

Need 12” passenger door
4” front and rear bumper number

VLE logo

Print and install


Touch Up

Car Number of Front and Rear Bumper


I plan on get out there tomorrow and wrap these items up.