This weekend the team was able to examine both cars. The result is that there is a lot of work to do to get us backup and running. On the good side we have time with the next planned race May 21-22 at Thunderhill. To added to the good news, the general compression test of both engines went well:
Little to no change from the last test.
The bad side is both cars have a laundry list of other repair work to be done. For the Z it is clear that the transmission needs to come out and be repaired. That will be a big job and will take some time. We also need to address the upper linkage of the Z. Track side repair was done and non-adjustable parts were installed. To recover adjustability we will need to come up with a new plan for that. Finally for the Z, there are some odds and ends that will need to be checked, fenders to be pushed out, and general maintenance done.
For the D we also have a few issues. The sharing space with the K-Rail is the obvious trouble. To address that we needed to pull the rear subframe out. So, the big job last weekend was to drop the subframe (Sorry Lugnut, I know I say no big projects.) Here it is out:
And the right side where our suspension trouble resides:
I am now looking for replacement options for the subframe, upper and lower control arm.
The reason that we did this work was another troubling issue. It is not obvious, but you can see the issue on the picture of the subframe above. It might take you to be in the shop to pick it up, but there is a wet spot on the right front. There was also a wet spot on the floor under the car and the photo shows you under the car were we think it comes from:
Yes, it appears that we have a fuel leak from the gas tank. A future project will be pulling the tank and see what is needed to be done to address that small trouble. Finally, on the D we'll have to put this all back together and then do general maintenance and other odd items to make it ready for our next adventure.
This likely wraps up the work for the year. Thank you for all the help. With that, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and look forward to the fun in the next year.
There is one project I would like to do in the early part of next year. Before February (i.e. Super Bowl), I would like to thin the herd some. Rubby has run her course and it is time. So, in January (tentative 16 or 17) I would like to schedule a demo part where we can pay final respects to Rubby and have one more chopping party. There are some roll bar parts that we should salvage, but that is all part of the chopping fun.